

1. Press Conferences: Added specific questions for super cup competitions.
1. 新闻发布会增加了针对超级杯比赛的具体问题

2.A news item telling of a change of seeding for European competitions.
2. 欧洲赛事的参赛席位数量发生变化时会有新闻条目显示(想起德甲意甲之争)

3. Extra default options for training schedules (Defenders, Midfielders, Strikers etc.)
3. 默认训练细分为后卫 中场 前锋等.

4. Match screen revamp. Ability to turn player condition boxes on or off during TV view.
4. TV模式中玩家可以自由开关球员体力显示

5.Data editor: Added ability to filter by next and other division.
5. 编辑器: 新增按联赛过滤的选项

6. Press Conferences: Added specific questions regarding title challenge, promotion challenge, relegation battles etc.
6. 发布会: 增加关于争冠, 保级, 升级的专项问题.(主要就是问你能不能啊, 如果能或不能又会怎么看之类的问题)

7. Data Editor: Most international caps and goals for a nation are now editable.
7. 编辑器: 国家队最高出场数及最高进球记录现在可以自由修改了.

8. Improved and more varied goal descriptions for news items when they are scored.
8. 新闻条目增加了更多的进球描述

9. Newgens: Done on a nation by nation basis. National playing traits according to country instead by a generic template according to player type.
9. 随机人将不再由统一模板产生, 现在每个国家都会有自己的特点, 随机人属性会根据祖国的足球风格生成.

10. Some guff about EU rules and the Italian league.
10. 一些关于欧盟规则以及意大利联赛的废话

Match viewer: Improvements to stadium stands.

Data Editor: Club duplication keeps all information including kits!