核武器FMRTE更新了FMRTE  v版本,支持FM2023游戏版本Build 12版,支持v23.1.0..12该版本是未激活版本。含Win和Mac两个版本,看自身系统选择。

FM2022 核武工具FMRTE22全汉化包点击进入下载《《《

Build 12内容:
Ability to apply Competitions Substitution Rules to games already scheduled
When changing a club stadium, now we can apply the change to games that were scheduled to the previous stadium
Ability to move players on loan to other clubs (on Players Move to Club tab)
Ability to add contract clauses / bonus / unhappiness motives
25 new Staff Tendencies (such as Influenced by supporters)
National team contracts
Kits and Colors competition, alternative kit number and kit for specific season

Nations Youth Rating
Nations Development
Nations Importance
Nations Economy
Nations Does Not Allow Dual Nationality
Stadium work items
An error with Move to club on loan, when the target club had no loaned player

2、如果依旧显示外文版可以点击右上方菜单中的 fmrte (下拉按钮),选择SETTING,在Language(语言)下拉菜单中选择简体中文,点击上方的Save Changes(保存改变)保存语言设置;

3、点击上方的载入游戏(Load Game)即可;
4. 核武有风险,可能会让你失去对游戏的兴趣请谨慎使用,此外也存在少量的坏档可能性,因此修改前请记得备份原存档。