由国外网友制作的一款FIFA22补丁导入工具,这是第一个版本v1.1.1 正式版,主要针对FIFA22的补丁添加工具和补丁制作。
里面有两个工具一个是编辑工具FIFA Editor Tool 1.1.1(主要提供给喜欢DIY的玩家编辑和制作MOD用),一个是MOD补丁加载工具FIFA Mod Manager 1.1.1(打补丁必须用到的工具)。
由国外网友制作的一款FIFA22补丁导入工具,这是第一个版本v1.1.1 正式版,主要针对FIFA22的补丁添加工具和补丁制作。
里面有两个工具一个是编辑工具FIFA Editor Tool 1.1.1(主要提供给喜欢DIY的玩家编辑和制作MOD用),一个是MOD补丁加载工具FIFA Mod Manager 1.1.1(打补丁必须用到的工具)。
- Failing to load the icon or screenshots from a mod will no longer prevent the mod from being used (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Improved the error message when failing to launch the game due to access being denied (Mod Manager)
- FIFA 22 Live Tuning Updates are now automatically deleted when launching the game when one or more mods make gameplay changes. This can be disabled in the settings window (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added new face import filters for .tga face textures and meshes starting with "untitled" (Editor)
- The current mip and slice on the texture editor is now maintained when switching between tabs (Editor)
- Legacy files will now show that they're unsaved (with a *) after reverting (Editor)
- Improved the error message when trying to import a res that does not contain enough data to be valid (Editor)
- Added an option to the batch mod exporter to overwrite existing mod files rather than appending an incrementing number to the file name (Editor)
- Added folder support to the batch mod exporter. Folders can now be added to the batch mod exporter, and every project file found inside the folder will be exported. Projects that are contained in subfolders of the added folder will be exported following the same structure (Editor)
- Added an "Edit Array/FloatCurve" item to the context menu of the EBX property grid, for properties that are numeric arrays or FloatCurves. Clicking this item will open a new edit window, where the values in the array or float curve can be adjusted together (Editor)
- Added "Expand All" and "Collapse All" items to the context menu of the EBX property grid, for any property with children (Editor)
- Bug fix for the references expander causing all content to disappear when collapsing it at its maximum size (Editor)
- Updated various third-party dependencies (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for importing and exporting EBX assets as raw binary files (.bin) (Editor)
- Added a "Version Overwrite" feature to the batch mod exporter window, allowing the version number to be specified for all mods being exported (and optionally updating the projects to use the new version number) (Editor)
- Bug fix for changes to cells in the legacy DB editor not always being applied (Editor)
- Support for viewing and importing of block-compressed legacy DDS files with a width or height that is not a multiple of 4 (Editor)
- Added a setting to delete the locale.ini from the FIFAModData folder, if the applied InitFS contains a modified locale.ini. This is enabled by default (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Some LUA merging Changes (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Bug fix for legacy DB editor getting stuck on the loading screen sometimes (Editor)
- The EndsWith filter now ignores the file extension in the legacy explorer (Editor)
- Added a "Help" menu containing an "About" menu item (Editor)
- Added clipboard retry logic when copying a row from the DataGrid in the legacy DB editor (Editor)
- Bug fix for kit creator import from Zip archives throwing NotSupportedException (Editor)
- Bug fix for GetEbxStream incorrectly disposing the stream before returning it (Editor)
- Added support for drag-and-drop import of mesh assets (Editor)
- Allow filtering of EBX properties by CString values (Editor)
- Improved the performance when deleting multiple rows from the DB editor (Editor)
- Exporting from the texture editor when it's showing the original unmodified texture will now export the original unmodified texture (Editor)
- Bug fix for projects with player_kit.lua changes needing to be saved immediately after opening (Editor)
- Bug fix for projects growing in size every time the project is saved, due to linked assets being duplicated (Editor)
- Bug fix for NullReferenceException when first calling LinkAsset on AssetEntry (Editor)
- The type info offset for Madden 22 is now detected automatically, allowing the SDK to be generated from within the program (Editor)
- Added support for settings.json to the FIFA Kit Creator importer (Editor)
- Added a setting to control whether the FIFA Kit Creator settings.json is imported into the Lua teamkits table (Editor)
- Added a setting to control the default EBX export format (Editor)
- Support sorting of the columns in the asset list by clicking on the column header (Editor)
- Face importer will now import a face specmask texture of type "png" with the name "sm" (Editor)
- Reduced the size of the .exe by ~50% (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added a setting to delete files starting with "Assets" from the FIFA 22 settings folder if an applied mod edits the fifa_ng_db file (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added a confirmation window when deleting a profile (Mod Manager)
- Improved performance of filtering the EBX property grid slightly (Editor)
- Improved performance of the "Set All Values To This" EBX property grid command (Editor)
- Loading a project will now cause the legacy asset image previews to be refreshed (Editor)
- Added "Recent Projects" menu item, displaying per-game recently-opened projects (Editor)
- The Editor window size and position is now saved and restored between loads (Editor)
- Added a right-click context menu to the tab headers to allow closing of the tabs in various ways (Editor)
- Added support for raw .bin EBX files when batch importing (Editor)
- Added an "All files" option when importing a legacy DB table. The file should still be in tab-separated value format (Editor)
- Prevent closing of tabs without a close button when using the Ctrl+W shortcut (Editor)
- Fixed the style of the legacy explorer tab header when moved to the right side (Editor)
- Potential bug fix for an ArgumentNullException error when loading a project (Editor)
- Added drag-and-drop loading of projects (Editor)
- After a patch, a list of the added/modified/removed legacy files is generated and stored in the "FIFA Editor Tool Data" folder (Editor)
- The total number of items is now displayed at the top of the asset list (Editor)
- Improved exporting of NewWaveAssets to work when there are no subsongs in the file (Editor)
- Slightly improved performance when reading resources that don't need to be decompressed (Editor)
- Made huge improvements to TOC reading and writing (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for adding chunks (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Minor optimisations for file IO (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for legacy duplication, either via the right click "Duplicate" option, or using "Batch Import" with the add files setting enabled (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for viewing and editing of legacy assets with hash collisions (Editor)
- Bug fix for resetting of the import settings on the settings window not affecting the "Accept PNG/HDR/TGA for DDS in Legacy Batch Import" option, which was instead being reset from the export settings tab (Editor)
- Bug fix for the "Auto-resize textures when using Data/EBX Batch Import" setting on the import tab directly affecting the "Auto-resize textures when using Data/EBX Import" setting (Editor)
- Support conversion of PNG/TGA/HDR files to DDS during legacy batch import, with ability to customize DDS settings (can be disabled via settings) (Editor)
- Lua Editor improvements (Editor)
- Improved performance of the data explorer (Editor)
- Added support for adding and removing of assets dynamically in the UI (Editor)
- Bug fix for some EBX strings in FIFA 22 and Madden 22 displaying incorrectly (Editor)
- Improved the startup time (Editor)
- Small reduction in memory usage (Editor)
- Greatly improved performance when loading and filtering the chunk list on the chunk/res viewer (about 10 times faster to fully populate the list of chunks) (Editor)
- Added some missing res types which are now shown in the res viewer (Editor)
- Improved RIFF EBX writer to use the correct data container flags, to write the arrays in a more similar order to the original asset, to write with the correct alignment, and to better handle patched assets (Editor)
- Bug fix for some files being copied when they didn't need to be, and some files not being copied when they should've been (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Minor performance improvements when writing files (Editor)
- Bug fix for some imported textures being compared to the current modified asset rather than the original asset (Editor)
- Minor performance improvements when loading some legacy files (Editor)
- Improved support for exporting NewWaveAsset files, to export all individual variations and segments, and support many more files (Editor)
- Added the ability to import mods from a folder (and all subfolders), including mods inside archives in these folders. This can be done using the new button to the left of the existing "Import Mod(s)" button, or by dragging a folder into the mod manager window (Mod Manager)
- Updated DirectXTex, which fixes many bugs with textures, improves quality in some situations, and allows for working Texture Array and Cubemap importing support (Editor)
- Cubemaps now export with their slice number in their file name (Editor)
- Bug fix for the destination folder not being created when importing mods from archives (Mod Manager)
- Allow cancellation of the initial loading process, including the re-creation of the cache (Editor)
- Improved the text on the InitFs Editor tab regarding binary data (Editor)
- Improved the handling when launching Madden games while the game is already running (Editor)
- Bug fix for the Data Explorer folder icons not being updated in some circumstances (Editor)
- Bug fix for some TextureAssets not loading (Editor)
- Added support for Madden 23, to the same level as Madden 22 (Editor and Mod Manager)
- FTX files can now be opened in the legacy text editor (Editor)
- Added support for editing and importing NewWaveAssets and LocalizedWaveAssets, with a UI to display all variations and segments, a full dataset mode to edit and add or remove rows across all tables, as well as the ability to add new sounds (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to save the database with a DBNull value in an integer column (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to save the database with a DBNull value in a string column (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to filter the tables before selecting a table (Editor)
- Allow launching with imported raw EBX containing unsupported EBX data types such as BoxedValueRef (Editor)
- Disabled animation on the editor task window, which would often animate poorly due to the high CPU usage of the running task (Editor)
- Bug fix for "Expand All" and "Collapse All" not always working correctly in the EBX property grid (Editor)
- Added the product version to the window title (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Bug fix for an error opening some composite meshes (Editor)
- Updated FIFA 22 and Madden 22 SDKs (Editor)
- Many other bug fixes, performance improvements and other minor changes (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Failing to load the icon or screenshots from a mod will no longer prevent the mod from being used (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Improved the error message when failing to launch the game due to access being denied (Mod Manager)
- FIFA 22 Live Tuning Updates are now automatically deleted when launching the game when one or more mods make gameplay changes. This can be disabled in the settings window (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added new face import filters for .tga face textures and meshes starting with "untitled" (Editor)
- The current mip and slice on the texture editor is now maintained when switching between tabs (Editor)
- Legacy files will now show that they're unsaved (with a *) after reverting (Editor)
- Improved the error message when trying to import a res that does not contain enough data to be valid (Editor)
- Added an option to the batch mod exporter to overwrite existing mod files rather than appending an incrementing number to the file name (Editor)
- Added folder support to the batch mod exporter. Folders can now be added to the batch mod exporter, and every project file found inside the folder will be exported. Projects that are contained in subfolders of the added folder will be exported following the same structure (Editor)
- Added an "Edit Array/FloatCurve" item to the context menu of the EBX property grid, for properties that are numeric arrays or FloatCurves. Clicking this item will open a new edit window, where the values in the array or float curve can be adjusted together (Editor)
- Added "Expand All" and "Collapse All" items to the context menu of the EBX property grid, for any property with children (Editor)
- Bug fix for the references expander causing all content to disappear when collapsing it at its maximum size (Editor)
- Updated various third-party dependencies (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for importing and exporting EBX assets as raw binary files (.bin) (Editor)
- Added a "Version Overwrite" feature to the batch mod exporter window, allowing the version number to be specified for all mods being exported (and optionally updating the projects to use the new version number) (Editor)
- Bug fix for changes to cells in the legacy DB editor not always being applied (Editor)
- Support for viewing and importing of block-compressed legacy DDS files with a width or height that is not a multiple of 4 (Editor)
- Added a setting to delete the locale.ini from the FIFAModData folder, if the applied InitFS contains a modified locale.ini. This is enabled by default (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Some LUA merging Changes (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Bug fix for legacy DB editor getting stuck on the loading screen sometimes (Editor)
- The EndsWith filter now ignores the file extension in the legacy explorer (Editor)
- Added a "Help" menu containing an "About" menu item (Editor)
- Added clipboard retry logic when copying a row from the DataGrid in the legacy DB editor (Editor)
- Bug fix for kit creator import from Zip archives throwing NotSupportedException (Editor)
- Bug fix for GetEbxStream incorrectly disposing the stream before returning it (Editor)
- Added support for drag-and-drop import of mesh assets (Editor)
- Allow filtering of EBX properties by CString values (Editor)
- Improved the performance when deleting multiple rows from the DB editor (Editor)
- Exporting from the texture editor when it's showing the original unmodified texture will now export the original unmodified texture (Editor)
- Bug fix for projects with player_kit.lua changes needing to be saved immediately after opening (Editor)
- Bug fix for projects growing in size every time the project is saved, due to linked assets being duplicated (Editor)
- Bug fix for NullReferenceException when first calling LinkAsset on AssetEntry (Editor)
- The type info offset for Madden 22 is now detected automatically, allowing the SDK to be generated from within the program (Editor)
- Added support for settings.json to the FIFA Kit Creator importer (Editor)
- Added a setting to control whether the FIFA Kit Creator settings.json is imported into the Lua teamkits table (Editor)
- Added a setting to control the default EBX export format (Editor)
- Support sorting of the columns in the asset list by clicking on the column header (Editor)
- Face importer will now import a face specmask texture of type "png" with the name "sm" (Editor)
- Reduced the size of the .exe by ~50% (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added a setting to delete files starting with "Assets" from the FIFA 22 settings folder if an applied mod edits the fifa_ng_db file (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added a confirmation window when deleting a profile (Mod Manager)
- Improved performance of filtering the EBX property grid slightly (Editor)
- Improved performance of the "Set All Values To This" EBX property grid command (Editor)
- Loading a project will now cause the legacy asset image previews to be refreshed (Editor)
- Added "Recent Projects" menu item, displaying per-game recently-opened projects (Editor)
- The Editor window size and position is now saved and restored between loads (Editor)
- Added a right-click context menu to the tab headers to allow closing of the tabs in various ways (Editor)
- Added support for raw .bin EBX files when batch importing (Editor)
- Added an "All files" option when importing a legacy DB table. The file should still be in tab-separated value format (Editor)
- Prevent closing of tabs without a close button when using the Ctrl+W shortcut (Editor)
- Fixed the style of the legacy explorer tab header when moved to the right side (Editor)
- Potential bug fix for an ArgumentNullException error when loading a project (Editor)
- Added drag-and-drop loading of projects (Editor)
- After a patch, a list of the added/modified/removed legacy files is generated and stored in the "FIFA Editor Tool Data" folder (Editor)
- The total number of items is now displayed at the top of the asset list (Editor)
- Improved exporting of NewWaveAssets to work when there are no subsongs in the file (Editor)
- Slightly improved performance when reading resources that don't need to be decompressed (Editor)
- Made huge improvements to TOC reading and writing (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for adding chunks (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Minor optimisations for file IO (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for legacy duplication, either via the right click "Duplicate" option, or using "Batch Import" with the add files setting enabled (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Added support for viewing and editing of legacy assets with hash collisions (Editor)
- Bug fix for resetting of the import settings on the settings window not affecting the "Accept PNG/HDR/TGA for DDS in Legacy Batch Import" option, which was instead being reset from the export settings tab (Editor)
- Bug fix for the "Auto-resize textures when using Data/EBX Batch Import" setting on the import tab directly affecting the "Auto-resize textures when using Data/EBX Import" setting (Editor)
- Support conversion of PNG/TGA/HDR files to DDS during legacy batch import, with ability to customize DDS settings (can be disabled via settings) (Editor)
- Lua Editor improvements (Editor)
- Improved performance of the data explorer (Editor)
- Added support for adding and removing of assets dynamically in the UI (Editor)
- Bug fix for some EBX strings in FIFA 22 and Madden 22 displaying incorrectly (Editor)
- Improved the startup time (Editor)
- Small reduction in memory usage (Editor)
- Greatly improved performance when loading and filtering the chunk list on the chunk/res viewer (about 10 times faster to fully populate the list of chunks) (Editor)
- Added some missing res types which are now shown in the res viewer (Editor)
- Improved RIFF EBX writer to use the correct data container flags, to write the arrays in a more similar order to the original asset, to write with the correct alignment, and to better handle patched assets (Editor)
- Bug fix for some files being copied when they didn't need to be, and some files not being copied when they should've been (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Minor performance improvements when writing files (Editor)
- Bug fix for some imported textures being compared to the current modified asset rather than the original asset (Editor)
- Minor performance improvements when loading some legacy files (Editor)
- Improved support for exporting NewWaveAsset files, to export all individual variations and segments, and support many more files (Editor)
- Added the ability to import mods from a folder (and all subfolders), including mods inside archives in these folders. This can be done using the new button to the left of the existing "Import Mod(s)" button, or by dragging a folder into the mod manager window (Mod Manager)
- Updated DirectXTex, which fixes many bugs with textures, improves quality in some situations, and allows for working Texture Array and Cubemap importing support (Editor)
- Cubemaps now export with their slice number in their file name (Editor)
- Bug fix for the destination folder not being created when importing mods from archives (Mod Manager)
- Allow cancellation of the initial loading process, including the re-creation of the cache (Editor)
- Improved the text on the InitFs Editor tab regarding binary data (Editor)
- Improved the handling when launching Madden games while the game is already running (Editor)
- Bug fix for the Data Explorer folder icons not being updated in some circumstances (Editor)
- Bug fix for some TextureAssets not loading (Editor)
- Added support for Madden 23, to the same level as Madden 22 (Editor and Mod Manager)
- FTX files can now be opened in the legacy text editor (Editor)
- Added support for editing and importing NewWaveAssets and LocalizedWaveAssets, with a UI to display all variations and segments, a full dataset mode to edit and add or remove rows across all tables, as well as the ability to add new sounds (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to save the database with a DBNull value in an integer column (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to save the database with a DBNull value in a string column (Editor)
- Bug fix for an error in the legacy DB editor when trying to filter the tables before selecting a table (Editor)
- Allow launching with imported raw EBX containing unsupported EBX data types such as BoxedValueRef (Editor)
- Disabled animation on the editor task window, which would often animate poorly due to the high CPU usage of the running task (Editor)
- Bug fix for "Expand All" and "Collapse All" not always working correctly in the EBX property grid (Editor)
- Added the product version to the window title (Editor and Mod Manager)
- Bug fix for an error opening some composite meshes (Editor)
- Updated FIFA 22 and Madden 22 SDKs (Editor)
- Many other bug fixes, performance improvements and other minor changes (Editor and Mod Manager)