由国外网友制作的FM2020 球场旗帜、横幅、广告牌补丁,。如图。


2. "ads"文件夹放置位置:Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020
3.  "pictures/ads"文件夹
放置位置:Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/graphics

完整路径:Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/graphics/pictures/ads

4. If you've downloaded the full version with the video ads: Place the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder (this contains the video ads) into the "data" folder within your Steam installation folder (which is not located in the area of the first two folders), but is found in this pathway:
steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data

Full route should now be:

steam > steamapps > common > Football Manager 2020 > data>simatchviewer_uncompressed