由国外网友制作的PES2021 所有球队真实化授权大补,这次更新的是v2.0。

Usage Notes:
- Use this pack alongside an option file/patch that doesn’t use licensed teams by default
- Ensure you have opened the game up with your option file or patch before deciding to use this file.
- Use this pack to save time enabling License with Dino editor manually.
- This pack DOES NOT act as a replacement to an option file or patch
- Can be disabled/enabled whenever team details or emblems need amending in edit mode
- For some teams/tournaments you may need to reset emblem in edit mode before enabling pack
- Can only be used with latest up to date PES2021 and DLC 2.00.

Features When Installed:
- All teams will have license option enabled and have correct emblems.
- To allow packs like chant pack work correctly.
- All real tournaments will have correct logos

1、下载解压缩(建议用Bandizip7ZipWinRAR等压缩软件解压,以免出错 !!!
2、将文件复制到PES2020/download文件夹下,再用CPK快捷添加工具【点击进 入下载《《《】将所有的CPK文件重新生成DpFileList.bin
3、将文件复制到最新的S挂工具【点击进入下载《《《】liveCPK文件夹内,在sider.ini里面添加cpk.root = ".\livecpk\


更多咨询及补丁欢迎关注绿茵吧: PES2021专区

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