

Released on: July 20th - Includes 50.100 changes
The main feature for the FMI Update packs is our transfer update:

Transfers up to July 20th 12:00 pm
Loans up to July 20th 12:00 pm
Manager changes to July 20th 12:00pm
Added missing players and staff members (around 200)
Contract renewals & Terminations to July 20th 12:00pm
Promotions & Relegation (thanks to Richard!)
Accurate European rosters for CL, UEL and UCL
For a full changelog, including an overview of all the leagues and verification dates, check out this link.

FMI Add-ons
The FMI Update pack also includes various addons that will add another 20.000 changes toFootball Manager 2022 . These are:

Real Cup & Competition Names (10.301 changes)
Real Club names (3396 changes)
Media Pack (2892 changes)
England Substitution rules (5 instead of 3) (20 changes)
Agent Pack (WIP)
Award & Trophy names (WIP)
Real competition colours (WIP)
All of these files are added as separate files to the FMI Update, making it possible for you to choose the files you want to use in your own saves.

2、将文件夹放到:我的文档\Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2022 \ 
editor data \下(没有的文件夹可自行新建)
