SGull分享的FM2021 IOS图标风格头像包,一款比较经典的头像包,喜欢的朋友赶紧下载吧。

- iOS style facepack now covers around 11,100+ players in total for the major European Leagues and players here and there.
- Updated major summer transfers (20/21)

Megapack v4.1 now Including:
11,100+ player faces in total
Premier Division -credit to Shin_M and QXF
La Liga -credit to A_Cassano, Shin_M and QXF
Serie A -credit to A_Cassano, Pathtore, Raymond_C21 and QXF
Bundesliga 1 -credit to flywerder, Yun and QXF
Ligue 1 -credit to Pathtore and Shin_M
Sky bet Championship -credit to flywerder and Shin_M
Sky bet league one -credit to Shin_M
Bundesliga 2 -credit to flywerder
Turkish Super League -credit to flywerder and Shin_M
MLS -credit to Shin_M and QXF
Chinese Super League -credit to flywerder
Belgium Pro League 1&2 -credit to Mat
Pack addition 1 -credit to flywerder and Makua
Pack addition 2 -credit to flywerder, A_Cassano, Makua and QXF
and most of the wonder kids as an added bonus.

2、将文件夹放到:我的文档\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\players\(
我的文档\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\faces\下(没有的文件夹可自行新建)


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