xAranaktu制作的FIFA21 Cheat Table列表v21.1.1.4,由3DM玩家zlz1994慷慨分享

Cheat Engine 6.8.1【点击进入下载《《《


    - Added "Non-CM Related":
        - "Dont Pause Game on AltTab

    - Added "Database Tables":
        - "Players Table"
        - "Teamplayerlinks Table"
        - "Teams Table"
        - "Leagueteamlinks Table"
        - "Manager Table"
        - "Career_calendar Table"

    - Added "Play As Player"
        - "Positive decision on transfer request"

    - Added "Side Changer" (CPU vs CPU)
    - Added "Global Transfer Network"
        - "Reveal player data (scouting players not needed)"
    - Added "Stamina"
        - "Set at 100 on change"
    - Added "Sharpness"
        - "Set at 100 on change"
    - Added "Hire Scouts"
        - "Free 5/5 Scouts"
        - Scout Detailed Info
    - Added "Gameplay"
        - "Unlimited Substitutions (USER)"
    - Added "Form"
        - Mass edit players form in team (Bad, Poor, Okay, Good, Excellent)
    - Added "Morale"
        - Mass edit players morale in team (Very Unhappy, Unhappy, Content, Happy, Very Happy)
    - Added "Match Settings"
        - Change Stadium
        - Half Length
    - Added "Free & Unlimited Releasing Players"
    - Added "Youth Academy"
        - Send scout to any country
    - Added to "Gameplay"
        - Match Timer
        - Never Tired Player IDs
        - Home Team
            - Disable Substitutions (CPU)
            - Injured players
            - 5 stars skill moves
            - NeverTired players
            - Tired players
            - Goals scored
        - Away Team
            - Disable Substitutions (CPU)
            - Injured players
            - 5 stars skill moves
            - NeverTired players
            - Tired players
            - Goals scored

    - Fixed saving settings
    - Fully working basic players editor (GUI -> Players Editor)
    - Removed Disable Player Growth Manager
    - Added "Players Development"
        - "Bonus Exp"
        - "Exp Multiplier"
    - Now, all scripts will be deactivate when you close the Cheat Engine.
    - Fixed in "Players Development"
        - Players will never receive negative exp.
    - Added "Job Offers"
        - Club Team
        - National Team
    - Added to "Play As Player"
        - Create Transfer Offer
    - Added to "Youth Academy"
        - "Generate new report"
        - "Generate players with custom ID"
        - "Allow multiple scouts in same country"
        - "15 Players per report"
        - "Reveal ovr and pot"
        - "Min age for promotion = 0"
        - "Custom Attribute Range"
        - "Custom Age Range"
        - "Custom Potential"
        - "100% chance for 5* weak foot"
        - "100% chance for 5* skill moves"
    - Added scripts to "users scripts" folder:
        - "1ovr_99pot.lua"
        - "99ovr_99pot.lua"
        - "99ovr_99pot_in_given_team.lua"
        - "custom_headasset_to_manager.lua"
        - "custom_headasset_to_playerids.lua"
        - "custom_tattoos_to_playerids.lua"
        - "isretiring=0.lua"
        - "isretiring=1.lua"
        - "mass_edit_age.lua"
        - "medium_socklenghtcode.lua"
        - "modifier=0.lua"
        - "randomize.lua"
        - "randomize_shoe_models.lua"
        - "untuck_shirts.lua"
    - Added "Manager"
        - "Make ManagerID editable"

    - Fixed:
        - Removing traits from players via Players Editor
    - Added "Club Finances"
        - Transfer Budget
    - Added "Transfer Hub"
        - Change Release Clause value to 1
        - Allow Transfer approach
        - Allow Loan approach
    -  Added to "Players Development"
        - Boost only specific players
    - Added scripts to "users scripts" folder:
        - "99pot.lua"
        - "99pot_in_given_team.lua"
        - "fix_players_headmodels.lua"

    - Fixed:
        - Updating pointers for records in database tables
        - Allow transfer approach
    - Added To GUI -> Players Editor
        - Miniface image
        - Club crest image
        - Morale
        - Form
        - Sharpness
        - Fitness
        - Injury

        - Release Clause
        - Squad Role
        - Wage
        - Performance Bonus
        - Loan Wage Split
    - Added again "Disable Player Growth manager"

    - Fixed:
        - Removing Injury from player
        - Head Type picker in Players Editor
        - Adjusting Overallrating (if below 0 then ovr = 1, if above 99 then ovr = 99)
        - Saving player in Players Editor (Pointer for player growth system changed by EA in title update 4)
        - Fixed problem with activating "Disable Player Growth Manager" script (was not working after Title update 4)
    - Added To GUI -> Players Editor
        - Dynamic preview for youth player miniface
    - Added "Editing Player"
        - Player Data
            - Name
            - Birthdate
            - Kit Number

    - Added:
        - "Clone" tab to players editor
    - Fixed:
        - Editing workrates via players editor
        - Fixed cloning players from fifa 15-20
    - Added to "Play As Player"
        - Training:
            - Unlimited Training Sessions
            - Always Best Grade
            - More efficient training
            - Training Everyday

    - Added:
        - Teams Editor
        - Option to hide players potential in players editor
        - "Play As Player":
            - Unlock Play Buttons
        - "Other":
            - Freeze Lineup

    - Added to "Match Settings":
        - Time Of Day
        - Weather
    - Added to "Manager":
        - Manager Never Retire
        - Manager Rating - 99

    - Fixed:
        - Youth Academy:
            - 15 Players per report
    - Added to "Non-CM Related":
        - "Game Settigs" -> "Camera"
    - Added 50 new head models to "fix_players_headmodels.lua"

    - Added to GUI:
        - Transfer Players