
由玩家Paulv2k4分享的FIFA23_Frostbite Modding Tool 24,更新的是v24.0.8676.38955,支持.flmod和.fifamod。

Performance Improvements
Launcher / Mod Manager Caching fix
Fix #76 - "Legacy" texture import fix #76
Fix #78 - Exporting files now maintains structure
Export folder can now export textures and meshes
Added textures to meshes in 3d Mesh Viewport
Start work on Sound Editing / Viewer

f1b0557 Fix for Mod Manager / Launcher generating cache and causing slow downs due to over logging
49e0865 #78 Folder Export now retains folder structure
dddda92 improve performance of EBX Enumeration
b684705 Add DirectXTextNet as a Credit
5305318 Added Custom DirectXTexNet solution to resolve legacy import issues on Release version
116566b Add Legacy Texture import fallback feature if the primary method doesn't work
7f5ae8c Add AssetEntryStub handling
5d55a6a async the ShowOnlyModified
f1bc975 OpenedFile Refactor and Add Sound Viewer
28b2428 Add Flexible Unsupported Message Box