由国外网友制作的PES2020 主场喊梅西的助威包。


- Patch is in .cpk format;
- High quality for chant extracted from TV video;
- Two different versions for chant played random;
- Fade in and fade out effect added;
- It works only if Messi scores a goal in home team stadium and if home team uses spanish stadium announcements;
- Compatible with DLC 6 and all PES 2020 patch PC.

1、下载解压缩(建议用Bandizip7ZipWinRAR等压缩软件解压,以免出错 !!!
2、将文件复制到PES2020/download文件夹下,再用CPK快捷添加工具【点击进 入下载《《《】将所有的CPK文件重新生成DpFileList.bin

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